Partner Onboarding


From product details to step-by-step integration guides, this documentation provides partners with everything they need to onboard into the Balancer Ecosystem.


Balancer Technology

With a vastly simplified developer experience, 100% boosted pools, LST base pairings, and customizable pool hooks, Balancer v3 provides partners with a streamlined hub to optimize yield-bearing liquidity, build robust governance tokenomics, and streamline AMM innovation.


Want to learn more about Balancer? Click here

Unique AMM Designs & Products

Balancer Technology provides innovative AMM designs such as

  1. Boosted Pools: Leverage token utilization for optimal yield.
  2. Yield-Bearing liquidity pools: Optimised LP tech for liquid-staking tokens (LST) and yield-bearing stablecoins.
  3. ve8020 / Governance Tokenomics: Enhanced liquidity dynamics and aligned incentive structures for governance positions.
  4. Stable Pools: Advanced technology for highly correlated stable assets, such as Gyro-stable pools.

High-Level Overview of Onboarding Process

Onboarding into Balancer varies depending on the AMM technology you want to use. Some components are simple and straightforward to use, while others may require expert assistance from our core contributors.

Learn more about our onboarding journey, use the Balancer Tech Product Wizard to find the best solution for your needs, or check out our product case studies below.

Onboarding Journey

Onboarding your asset onto Balancer involves three main steps:

  • Choose a Pool Type: Select the pool type that best fits your use case.

  • Customize Pool Logic: Utilize Balancer v3's hooks for tailored functionality.

  • Engage in Governance: Apply for a gauge to receive BAL rewards for your pool.


    Balancer contributors are happy to help during the onboarding process. Feel free to reach out to us on our Discordopen in new window!

Find the Right Product for Your Needs

Use our Product Wizard to discover the best solutions for your business. Explore use cases and read success stories.

Balancer Product Wizard 🧙‍♂️

What best describes your current product needs or primary use-case?

Balancer Deployments

Looking for deployment-specific information? Choose a specific deployment type below to explore various options and next steps.