Onboard your Yield-bearing Asset to Balancer v2

Onboarding of your yield-bearing asset involves a few steps to fully leverage Balancer tech. These steps include whitelisting of your token, provision of a rate provider for optimized trading as well as applying to a Balancer gauge to receive BAL rewards if your project wishes to do so. The following chapters outline the steps needed and points towards all relevant resources to deploy your liquidity on Balancer v2.

Token Whitelisting

Whitelist your token by doing a Pull-Request hereopen in new window. This is needed to fully enable trading of your token on our platform.

  1. Provide token images and store png files with the token address like 0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3D.png
  2. Update tokenlists/balancer/tokens and the corresponding network typescript file by adding your token address ( e.g. tokenlists/balancer/tokens/arbitrum/0x…)

Rate Provider


Consult our rate provider onboarding FAQ for more details

Given you want to onboard a yield-bearing asset stable pair with a stable pool, it is required that you provide a vetted in rate provider upon pool creation. For security reasons and to make sure your rate provider adheres to Balancer’s standards, please initiate a rate provider review hereopen in new window


Depending on the complexity of your rate provider, reviews usually take up to 1-2 weeks for Balancer labs to complete. Consult the issue boardopen in new window for the review status

A registry of already reviewed providers can be found hereopen in new window

Pool Creation and Initialization

Create the pool (with the help from Balancer contributors)

  • Go to the community pool creator toolopen in new window
  • Choose ComposableStable Pool and make sure Yield Protocol Fee Exempt is false
  • Approve and Add your token and your rate provider that has been approved in step 2
  • Add any other token (and rate providers) for up to 5 tokens
  • Create the pool

After successful pool creation, make sure to perform an init join for this pool type to seed initial liquidity

Data Endpoints for Yield metrics (APR)

Provide an API endpoint for your yield bearing token, ideally with api-yourtoken and the APR as one of the return values. Contributors will make sure the APR is propagated in our front-end. You can provide your endpoint in our yield token registryopen in new window. This will guarantee that our backend will pick up token yield correctly and ultimately display the rate correctly on our front-end deployments.

BAL Rewards and Gauges

If you want to receive BAL rewards, set up a proper root gauge on the network your pool was deployed and apply for a gauge

Create a gauge


A detailed overview of target chain gauge creation endpoints can be found hereopen in new window

Depending on the network you want to create a gauge, several steps are needed to onboard your pool to receive BAL rewards. In essence following steps need to be performed in terms of gauge creation

Apply for receiving BAL rewards through Balancer governance

For more details, consult our gauge onboarding guide. The timeline to onboard a gauge is as follows:

  1. Post a proposal based on the gauge proposal instruction setopen in new window
  2. Balancer contributors will make sure all criteria are met and post votes by Thursdays
  3. The voting round lasts from Thursday 8PM CET until the following Monday 8PM CET
  4. After a successful vote, an on-chain transaction to add gauges to the gauge controller has to be executed. This usually happens until Tuesday evening CET
  5. The newly voted in gauge should be visible to vote for on the veBAL voting pageopen in new window


If your gauge is deployed on Ethereum mainnet, BAL rewards will flow shortly after the last voting round concludes. If you deployed a gauge on any L2 network (e.g. Arbitrum, Polygon POS) there is a one week delay until rewards are streamed to the corresponding gauge.