All Vault Events are detailed in IVaultEvents
For event based systems the following Vault events can be useful to construct/track pool state:
Swap(address indexed pool, IERC20 indexed tokenIn, IERC20 indexed tokenOut, uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOut, uint256 swapFeePercentage, uint256 swapFeeAmount);
- A swap has occurred.
LiquidityAdded(address indexed pool, address indexed liquidityProvider, AddLiquidityKind indexed kind, uint256 totalSupply, uint256[] amountsAddedRaw, uint256[] swapFeeAmountsRaw);
- Liquidity has been added to a pool (including initialization).
LiquidityRemoved( address indexed pool, address indexed liquidityProvider, RemoveLiquidityKind indexed kind, uint256 totalSupply, uint256[] amountsRemovedRaw, uint256[] swapFeeAmountsRaw );
- Liquidity has been removed from a pool.
AggregateSwapFeePercentageChanged(address indexed pool, uint256 aggregateSwapFeePercentage)
- A protocol or pool creator fee has changed, causing an update to the aggregate swap fee.
SwapFeePercentageChanged(address indexed pool, uint256 swapFeePercentage);
- Emitted when the swap fee percentage of a pool is updated.
PoolPausedStateChanged(address indexed pool, bool paused)
- A Pool's pause status has changed.