Error Codes

Balancer uses custom errors which provide a convenient and gas-efficient way to explain why an operation failed. Comments and context for the specific errors can be found in the tables below.


SenderNotAllowedThe sender does not have permission to call a function


DisabledCannot create a pool after the factory was disabled


TotalSupplyTooLowThe total supply of a pool token can't be lower than the absolute minimum


EthTransferIncoming ETH transfer from an address that is not WETH
InsufficientEthThe amount of ETH paid is insufficient to complete this operation
ExitBelowMinThe actual bptAmountOut is below the minimum limit specified in the exit
SwapDeadlineThe swap transaction was not mined before the specified deadline timestamp


PoolAlreadyRegistered(address)A pool has already been registered. registerPool may only be called once
PoolAlreadyInitialized(address)A pool has already been initialized. initialize may only be called once
PoolNotRegistered(address)A pool has not been registered
PoolNotInitialized(address)A referenced pool has not been initialized
TokenAlreadyRegistered(IERC20)A token was already registered (i.e., it is a duplicate in the pool)
MinTokens()The token count is below the minimum allowed
MaxTokens()The token count is above the maximum allowed
InvalidToken()Invalid tokens (e.g., zero) cannot be registered
InvalidTokenType()The token type given in a TokenConfig during pool registration is invalid
InvalidTokenConfiguration()The data in a TokenConfig struct is inconsistent or unsupported
TokensMismatch(address, address, address)The token list passed into an operation does not match the pool tokens in the pool
BalanceNotSettled()A transient accounting operation completed with outstanding token deltas
WrongLocker(address, address)In transient accounting, a locker is attempting to execute an operation out of order
NoLocker()A user called a Vault function (swap, add/remove liquidity) outside the lock context
LockerOutOfBounds(uint256)The caller attempted to access a Locker at an invalid index
BeforeSwapHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the beforeSwap hook, indicating the transaction should revert
AfterSwapHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the afterSwap hook, indicating the transaction should revert
BeforeInitializeHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the beforeInitialize hook, indicating the transaction should revert
AfterInitializeHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the afterInitialize hook, indicating the transaction should revert
BeforeAddLiquidityHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the beforeAddLiquidity hook, indicating the transaction should revert
AfterAddLiquidityHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the afterAddLiquidity hook, indicating the transaction should revert
BeforeRemoveLiquidityHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the beforeRemoveLiquidity hook, indicating the transaction should revert
AfterRemoveLiquidityHookFailed()The pool has returned false to the afterRemoveLiquidity hook, indicating the transaction should revert
RouterNotTrusted()An unauthorized Router tried to call a permissioned function (i.e., using the Vault's token allowance)
AmountGivenZero()The user tried to swap zero tokens
CannotSwapSameToken()The user attempted to swap a token for itself
TokenNotRegistered()The user attempted to swap a token not in the pool
SwapLimit(uint256, uint256)An amount in or out has exceeded the limit specified in the swap request
InvalidAddLiquidityKind()Add liquidity kind not supported
AmountInAboveMax(IERC20, uint256, uint256)A required amountIn exceeds the maximum limit specified for the operation
BptAmountOutBelowMin(uint256, uint256)The BPT amount received from adding liquidity is below the minimum specified for the operation
DoesNotSupportAddLiquidityCustom()Pool does not support adding liquidity with a customized input
InvalidRemoveLiquidityKind()Remove liquidity kind not supported
AmountOutBelowMin(IERC20, uint256, uint256)The actual amount out is below the minimum limit specified for the operation
BptAmountInAboveMax(uint256, uint256)The required BPT amount in exceeds the maximum limit specified for the operation
DoesNotSupportRemoveLiquidityCustom()Pool does not support removing liquidity with a customized input
ProtocolSwapFeePercentageTooHigh()Error raised when the protocol swap fee percentage exceeds the maximum allowed value
ProtocolYieldFeePercentageTooHigh()Error raised when the protocol yield fee percentage exceeds the maximum allowed value
SwapFeePercentageTooHigh()Error raised when the swap fee percentage exceeds the maximum allowed value
QueriesDisabled()A user tried to execute a query operation when they were disabled
PoolInRecoveryMode(address)Cannot enable recovery mode when already enabled
PoolNotInRecoveryMode(address)Cannot disable recovery mode when not enabled
SenderIsNotVault(address)Error indicating the sender is not the Vault (e.g., someone is trying to call a permissioned function)
VaultPauseWindowDurationTooLarge()The caller specified a pause window period longer than the maximum
PauseBufferPeriodDurationTooLarge()The caller specified a buffer period longer than the maximum
VaultPaused()A user tried to perform an operation while the Vault was paused
VaultNotPaused()Governance tried to unpause the Vault when it was not paused
VaultPauseWindowExpired()Governance tried to pause the Vault after the pause period expired
PoolPaused(address)A user tried to perform an operation involving a paused Pool
PoolNotPaused(address)Governance tried to unpause the Pool when it was not paused
PoolPauseWindowExpired(address)Governance tried to pause a Pool after the pause period expired
SenderIsNotPauseManager(address)The caller is not the registered pause manager for the pool
UserDataNotSupported()Optional User Data should be empty in the current add / remove liquidity kind
CannotReceiveEth()The contract should not receive ETH
NotVaultDelegateCall()The Vault extension was called by an account directly; it can only be called by the Vault via delegatecall
OperationNotSupported()Error thrown when a function is not supported
WrongVaultExtensionDeployment()The vault extension was configured with an incorrect Vault address
WrongVaultAdminDeployment()The vault admin was configured with an incorrect Vault address


MinWeight()Indicates that one of the pool tokens' weight is below the minimum allowed
NormalizedWeightInvariant()Indicates that the sum of the pool tokens' weights is not FP 1


NotStaticCall()Indicates a state-changing transaction was initiated in a context that only allows static calls


InputLengthMismatch()Arrays passed to a function and intended to be parallel have different lengths
MultipleNonZeroInputs()Multiple non-zero inputs were provided
AllZeroInputs()All inputs provided were zero
TokensNotSorted()Tokens provided are not in sorted order


CodecOverflow()Function called with an invalid value
OutOfBounds()Function called with an invalid bitLength or offset


ZeroDivision()Attempted division by zero


BaseOutOfBounds()This error is thrown when a base is not within an acceptable range
ExponentOutOfBounds()This error is thrown when a exponent is not within an acceptable range
ProductOutOfBounds()This error is thrown when the exponent * ln(base) is not within an acceptable range
InvalidExponent()This error is thrown when an exponent used in the exp function is not within an acceptable range
OutOfBounds()This error is thrown when a variable or result is not within the acceptable bounds defined in the function


StableInvariantDidntConverge()The iterations to calculate the invariant didn't converge
StableGetBalanceDidntConverge()The iterations to calculate the balance didn't converge


MinBPTInForTokenOut()User Attempted to burn less BPT than allowed for a specific amountOut
MaxOutBptForTokenIn()User attempted to mint more BPT than allowed for a specific amountIn
MaxOutRatio()User attempted to extract a disproportionate amountOut of tokens from a pool
MaxInRatio()User attempted to add a disproportionate amountIn of tokens to a pool
ZeroInvariant()Error thrown when the calculated invariant is zero, indicating an issue with the invariant calculation

Enumerable Map

IndexOutOfBounds()An index is beyond the current bounds of the set
KeyNotFound()This error is thrown when attempting to retrieve an entry that is not present in the map

Enumerable Set

IndexOutOfBounds()An index is beyond the current bounds of the set
ElementNotFound()An element that is not present in the set


ERC2612ExpiredSignature(uint256)Permit deadline has expired
ERC2612InvalidSigner(address, address)Mismatched signature


VaultAlreadyCreated()Vault has already been deployed, so this factory is disabled
VaultAddressMismatch()The given salt does not match the generated address when attempting to create the Vault


IncompatibleWrappedToken(address)The wrapped token does not conform to the Vault's requirement for ERC4626-compatibility


PoolPauseWindowDurationOverflow()The factory deployer gave a duration that would overflow the Unix timestamp


BalanceOverflow()One of the balances is above the maximum value that can be stored